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A recent violin lesson with my teacher David Jacobson (link) shown in the picture (link) as a 15 years old, ended up being also a great life lesson.  Here’s how the conversation went between my teacher and I:

“These notes are impossible to reach despite my long fingers!” I said. 

“No, they are not, you can do it.” he replied.  

“There is no way!”

“ Yes there is, play them backwards.”

 “What do you mean by backwards???”

 “Start at the end of the phrase.”


I was astonished! My violin teacher was right. I looked at the notes from a different angle and I was able to play the piece.

We have heard a lot about the Mental Health of employees and that people are overwhelmed. Sometimes we just need to look at life, a task or a job from a  different perspective. That is why teams are normally much more successful to accomplish a goal than an individual person – more eyes have a broader outlook – a bigger angle.

Life is mostly about what we make of it. Many new businesses sprung up the last few months, companies found new ways of engaging with their employees, families have been talking to each other again and many people travel more than they ever have or at least are comfortable to do so once again. Many also realized that governments, companies and people – no matter how influential – are no God’s – at most they are crutches.

If we feel stuck, we just need to take a step back and look at life from a different angle, or connect with the universal powers to get us to a higher level – a helicopter view.   We are in charge of our lives and make things happen, not the company and not our government – IT IS US – AND US ALONE  – as Shakespeare said – I AM that I AM.

If you are looking to hire an executive, please contact Andrea Keller: moc.s1739052467evitu1739052467cexei1739052467oc@re1739052467lleka1739052467 / LinkedIn:

Author: Andrea Keller, Managing Partner & CEO – C.O.I.